Not that long ago, most girls grew up dreaming of becoming a homemaker wife and a mother. Being a homemaker was a rewarding career for most women. While I would feel inclined to say that I think the pendulum is beginning to swing back in that direction, the last several decades carried a distinct shift in the cultural view of women being workers at home. And I’m here to tell you that being a homemaker is STILL the most rewarding career out there!
7 Reasons Why Being a Homemaker is a Rewarding Career
- Your position is highly valuable and irreplaceable.
- Opportunities to learn new skills.
- Time with your favorite people.
- Fruits of your labor pay dividends.
- Brings glory to God.
- You are your own boss.
- Set your own hours.
Dreaming of Becoming a Homemaker
Did you grow up dreaming to be a SAHM? Or, did other well-meaning people try to encourage you to select a “real” career? Surely you want to “DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE.”
“Go to college, get a degree, and make a name for yourself out in the world,” they might have said.
Through many changes like revolutions, wars, feminism, and what have you, there became a shift in expectations, and then desires. Wasn’t it more “desirable” to enter into a career and make your own way? Women can do anything men can do. Right?
And while going to college is a worthy pursuit, as well as taking on some kind of career in your early adulthood, it isn’t the ONLY or BEST thing. Many young ladies will pursue a career of sorts; but more and more are following the deep, inner desire to stay at home once they are married, or especially once they have become mothers.

Click around on social media long enough and you will soon tell that there has been an upward change in women staying home and growing in their roles as homemakers. The events of 2020 might have played an encouraging roll in that as well. If for nothing else than people realizing the way things have been done aren’t ideal any more.
Let us bring back the idea that dreaming of “just” being a wife and mother is a worthy dream!
Being a Homemaker is the Most Rewarding Career Because She is Irreplaceable and Highly Valued
There is absolutely no other job you could have on this earth that you are not replaceable. Nor could you be any more valued by anyone else. That, in and of itself, is priceless.

Your family needs you. Your children need you. Paul understood this when he was instructing Titus in helping lead the early church.
3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, 4 so that they may instruct the young women in sensibility: to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be slandered.
Titus 2:3-5
He was communicating how important it was for the women to help teach other women to love and serve in the most crucial and impactful ways.
This could maybe make some bristle up. I am in no way saying that women cannot be impactful outside of their homes. However, I encourage you to prayerfully seek the Lord and consider your home and raising your children as your primary mission for the Kingdom. It is not my place, nor desire, to convict you. That is the sole job of the Holy Spirit.
Just be encouraged that your work at home is where your greatest reward lies.
A Homemaker is Always Growing Her Skillset
From troubleshooting and problem solving, to creative engineering, and the many facets of HOME, a homemaker is limitless in the skills she can acquire and use. Growing up, I wanted to be anything from a teacher, an interior designer, a marine scientist, and a professional equestrian. My backyard may not have horses, nor do I live near the ocean, but I study design enough to make our house a home. Home educating our children as we homeschool allows me to be a teacher. I am a budding herpetologist as our boys are now proud owners of ball pythons and a leopard gecko. Naturopathy and creating a home apothecary has become an area of interest for me as well.
I am constantly learning new skills that help me in feeding our family and preserving our produce. I am learning graphic design and marketing as I bring you this blog. Sewing and other handicraft skills are on my radar as well.

The sky is the limit on what you can add to your skillset. If you are able to read and research, there is literally no end to what you can do. And with new(er) sources like SkillShare, and the tried and true YouTube (check out my channel here), you can really hone in on your craft. Or who knows, maybe you will end up taking a couple of college courses in the future.
Being a homemaker is the most rewarding career because there is no limit to what you can do!
A Homemaker Spends Time with Her Favorite People
If you have spent any time in the workforce chances are you have had to work with a difficult personality. But, imagine literally loving every person you “work with” on a daily basis so much that you would do anything for them! That is what a homemaker gets! Being a homemaker is the most rewarding career because you are spending abundant time with your favorite people.
Does that mean that every day is sunshine and roses, or the people in your home never aggravate you? Not at all, but love covers a multitude of sins. And when they dole out sloppy kisses and sweet compliments randomly, you soon forget the infractions they made against you.
A Homemaker is Her Own Boss.
As a homemaker, you are your own boss. You are running the business of your home as you see fit. It is important how you decide on, implement, evaluate, change, and modify the systems that make your “business” run.
You may function as the primary budget manager, the event coordinator, the personal shopper, and many other functions that homemakers do. But YOU are the one who decides the who, what, when, where, how, and why. Yes, your husband is the leader of your home, but he trusts you to operate everything that is in your care, and to do it well.

Being a Homemaker is the Most Rewarding Career Because She Sets Her Own Hours
As well as being your own boss, being a homemaker is a rewarding career because you also can set your own hours. Some women are morning people (I’m one of those!) and love to get up early and greet the day. My most productive hours are between 5 and 10 am.
Then there are others who need a slower pace in the mornings but turn into go-getters after 3 pm.
Either way, and as the seasons of your life change, as a homemaker you can set and adapt the hours that you “run your business.”

The Fruit of Her Labor Pays Dividends
I mentioned earlier that the home is our first mission field. Our husband and children are our ministry. And the investment of our efforts in loving and serving them bear generational fruit.
The way our kids see us in marriage teaches them what to look for and provide in their future marriages. Our parenting will influence their parenting. The discipleship that we pour into our household will develop the spiritual character of the household, and in turn, impact the community you engage with.
Mother Theresa said, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”
That is really impactful if you sit and meditate on that idea. Take it to the Lord in prayer and let the Spirit shape your interpretation of that concept.
Being a Homemaker Brings Glory to God
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17
No, it doesn’t say only a homemaker brings glory to God. It says WHATEVER you do. So, friend, in whatever YOU are doing, do it in the name of the Lord and give thanks. If you find yourself unable to make being a homemaker your career, give it to the Lord. It may be for just a season.
If your family finds it difficult to manage on a single income, be encouraged by the Scriptures. I love reading Proverbs 31:10-31 for encouragement. Some may be tempted to see the Virtuous Woman as this unattainable idea of a woman. I see the very qualities that I am sharing about why being a homemaker is the most rewarding career.

Let me break down what I see and have studied out of each verse in the passage:
10) valuable
11) trustworthy
12) considerate
13) hard-working
14) resourceful
15) industrious
16) prudent
17) takes care of herself
18-19) goal-oriented
20) generous
21) prepared
22) capable
23) supportive
24) creative
25) confident
26) wise and kind
27) diligent
28-29) cherished
30) fears the Lord
31) integrous
If you look at her for her virtues, or HOW she does things, rather than the what she does, you will see the ways in which her good works bring glory to God. Also, keep in mind that this passage isn’t her daily or weekly schedule. This is a picture of her life; her character overall.
So, Why is Being a Homemaker the Most Rewarding Career?
Because no other career will value you more.
No other career allows for you to pursue any and all areas of interest or skill that the Lord has given you.
Because the time you have with the people you love is not time you can ever get back.
Because you, in partnership with your husband and in step with the Holy Spirit, decide how to order you days by being your own boss and setting your own hours. (Proverbs 16:9)
The work you do at home impacts your family for generations.
And, because it glorifies God.
If you are reading this as a worker at home already, a homemaker, then be encouraged that you are doing important things. This “career” is a worthy and high calling. Keep going, my friend.
If you are reading this as one who desires to be a homemaker, but maybe your financial situation isn’t allowing it in this season. Or you are trying to figure out how to make it work, and are scared to take the leap. PRAY! Seek the Lord for wisdom and ask Him to prepare the way for you to be able to come home full time. It IS possible!
And I pray that if you are a career woman out of the home reading this, that you aren’t offended, but maybe challenged. Just know that my heart is not to offend or upset you. I know there are many variables that go into play. IF you are feeling challenged by this, PRAY. Don’t let your heart be hardened.
Wherever you are at in your career, I am praying for YOU. And remember,
Whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all for the glory of the Lord!
I couldn’t agree more. I love my role as homemaker! Thank you for this encouragement!
This is so true!! All of it!! I wish it was more encouraged for young women to want to do that when they are young! Best decision of my life!
This is so encouraging for homemakers. It truly is an invaluable, irriplacable and fun “job”. I absolutely love how you broke down the Prov. 31 woman. Thanks for the encouragement to moms!