Saving Money is Important to Single Income Families Finding money saving tips for a single income family is important to making your budget work. Making the decision to have only one income can be nerve-wracking. And if you are in the lower middle-class some months can be down right nail-biting tense. But, by strategizing ways…
The No Meal Plan Way to Feed Your Family
There is a season for everything. Some seasons of life need more planning. And making a weekly meal plan helps you stay prepared, organized and on budget. But then there are seasons where you can enter into a rhythm that runs efficiently. By having staples on hand and simple recipes at your fingertips you can…
16 Ways to Save Money as a Single Income Family
Whether you are already living as a single income family OR researching how you can make it happen so you can stay home. Not only are these ideas doable, but after you do them, you will be wondering why you weren’t using them before! These 16 ways to save money as a single income family…
Managing Money as a Homemaker
As the homemaker you are responsible for managing many aspects of the money in your home. From buying groceries, signing kids up for sports, handling doctor appointments, fixing up the home, fast growing kids needing new clothes, and the list goes on. But isn’t the finances the husband’s responsibility? I will tell you no. The…
How to Find Contentment in the Home You Have
How to find contentment in the home you have when there are so many things to buy and trends to follow. How do you do it without going broke? As homemakers we are inundated with home décor trends, reels showcasing paint colors, and pretty squares of expertly decorated rooms. Everywhere you look! What once used…
How to Launch an In-Home Daycare in 7 Simple Steps
Launching an in-home daycare is simple when you break it down into these 7 simple steps. As a stay-at-home mom for 10 years and owning and operating an in-home daycare for over 3 years I have a simple approach to getting you up and running in no time. Once your family has decided this is…
10 Tips for Easy Meal Planning Any Time
Easy meal planning with nutrient dense food is possible any time when you settle into a rhythm and keep things simple. Simple wholesome ingredients, tried and true favorite recipes, and a prepped kitchen can have you handling meals with ease no matter what life throws at you. Life comes with many seasons. I’m not just…
How to Create a Home for God’s Glory
How do we create a home for God’s glory? What does that even look like on a day-to-basis? To begin with, your own desire to glorify God in all that you do. A desire only made possible by God’s work in your heart by the Holy Spirit through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Apart…
How to Declutter a Space Without Getting Overwhelmed
You know what I am talking about. That closet, or drawer, or room that every time you open causes a jolt of anxiety. Avoiding it at all costs just to not experience the overwhelm of visual clutter. I can absolutely relate, and you can declutter that panic-inducing space without getting overwhelmed with these helpful tips…
You Need to Ditch the Chore Charts and Checklists
You have tried them all, I’m sure. I have too! I am here to show you how you can ditch the chore charts and checklists.