A Q & A between Abby and Casey on what their relationship looks like; how you can find your Timothy or Paul and live out Titus 2 discipleship. What does the biblical model for Titus 2 discipleship look like today?
Titus 2 says, “Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”

Casey: So, Abby, when did we begin in all of this?! I was thinking back and trying to pinpoint how our friendship began. I just feel like we always were.
Abby: I think you’re right, Casey. The friendship began so organically that I don’t think I can pinpoint a start date. That said, I do remember sitting in the women’s study you were teaching on James and thinking, “What an awesome woman, Godly wife, devoted mother.” Still unbeknownst to you, you became a mentor to me after that – someone I wanted to model my own walk with the Lord after.
Casey: Oh goodness! That is a sobering and humbling thought! A reminder that no matter our age or stage in life, someone is always watching. And a sweet encouragement.
Casey: What do think women should look for in a biblical mentor?
Abby: I think there are two essentials for a woman to be qualified to disciple younger women. First, they must be a woman of the Word. They need to have been walking with the Lord for awhile and know their Bible enough that they’re able to combat any lies or misconceptions they encounter with the truth of Scripture. Second, while it’s essential to know the Word, they must also be a woman who applies it. Knowledge without action is meaningless. The spiritual fruit in her life should be evident in the way she engages the Church, how she interacts with her husband, and the way she is raising (or raised) her children. While not essential, I also believe there is a lot of wisdom in looking for a mentor that is a season ahead of you in life. This helps on a practical level as they’re aware of the challenges you’re facing since they just faced them themselves.
Casey: That is great, and very clearly supported in what Titus 2 lays out.

Abby: What, if anything, should you look for in a mentee?
Casey: The most important thing for any woman as a mentor looking for a mentee is to seek the Lord for an awareness of who is already in your life, or who he might put in your path. Then, to be open and willing to initiate a conversation. As far as what to look for; I think most importantly is a teachable spirit in a younger woman. One who desires to grow in her walk with the Lord, not just in study, but also in how it impacts her daily life. As you walk alongside each other, supporting and encouraging her in biblical truth, doctrine and biblical knowledge will naturally develop.
Abby: I couldn’t agree more! The Bible has so much to say about being humble and willing to learn rather than haughty and foolish. Great wisdom.
Abby: What is discipleship and how does it look?
Casey: Well, fellow adorer of definitions, according to one online definition;
“Discipleship is defined as followers of Christ who then teach what they have learned. After you become a follower of Jesus, it’s time to go and share what you’ve learned. Sharing what we have learned as Christians is important because it is one of the final commandments that Jesus gave His followers before ascending.”
As far as what that looks like, we can look back at the scripture passage. A reverent and composed older woman who knows (according to the Scriptures) what is good, and invests her wisdom and experience into a younger woman or women. Encouraging her in her God-given roles as a woman, wife, and mother so that God may be glorified through her labors and character.
Abby: I LOVE definitions and this one is so important. I notice immediately how there is no set structure given in Scripture or this definition. The picture we have of discipleship happening in a meeting room at church, surrounded by highlighters and three different Bible commentaries is simply false. While that can certainly be wonderful, I’m convinced that some of the most fruitful discipleship happens in our homes between women doing the everyday work of homemaking, cleaning messes, and disciplining toddlers.

Ideas for what a Titus 2 discipleship might look like today...
-Invite her and her children over for breakfast or an afternoon tea and snack. Bring her into your home to see you in your element. Be authentically you in every way; from your dress to your homemaking.
-Plan a dinner for her and her family to come over.
-Are you a handy homemaker? Do you enjoy baking? Is she interested in learning to sew, crochet, bake, can food, or decorate a room? Make room in your plans to include her and teach her.
-Running errands together; grocery shopping, paying bills, delivering a meal to someone in church. This makes a great opportunity to share budgeting, homemaking, and planning tips with her.

DO include her family, especially her children. She needs to see and feel that her children are not only a blessing to her, but to others as well.
DO include your own children. This gives many opportunities for her to see you “practice what you preach” in interacting with your own children.
DON’T plan all of your time together in settings where her children are not or do not feel welcome. Your relationship isn’t about her getting some “me time” away from her children.
DO speak highly of your marriage and your husband.
DON’T criticize or devalue your husband or marriage to her. Also, DON’T allow room for her to speak poorly of her husband.
Who has been instrumental and influential as a Titus 2 woman in your life? Tell me about her in the comments below!
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