How to find contentment in the home you have when there are so many things to buy and trends to follow. How do you do it without going broke?
As homemakers we are inundated with home décor trends, reels showcasing paint colors, and pretty squares of expertly decorated rooms. Everywhere you look! What once used to be mere inspiration has now turned into making you feel sub-par in your homemaking.
It doesn’t have to be that way! I could tell you to delete the apps from your phone, turn off the tv, and never leave your house. Then you wouldn’t be tempted to compare your home to anyone else’s, right. Rather, let’s be realistic here.
What is Contentment?
Lack of contentment doesn’t come from the things other people do or have. It stems from how we perceive things. Contentment is a state of satisfaction. You shouldn’t find contentment in OTHER people things or situations.
Primarily, our contentment is in Christ. Nothing on this earth will truly satisfy us. But does that mean that you shouldn’t be able to enjoy things while on this earth? Not at all. As image bearers of God we may absolutely delight in His creation and all there in. That includes a comfortable home.
Newlywed Contentment in a New Home
As a newlywed I can remember being very excited to make a home with my husband. Decorating everything just so. Painting, buying knick-knacks, hanging up pictures. We couldn’t afford to buy new furniture so we made do with hand-me-downs and yard sale finds. Empty walls and flat surfaces were filled with all the things.
I remember struggling to find contentment in our home because we had all of these mish-mashed pieces. They were from so many different people and places. It was hard enjoying things because they never really felt like they were ours. I was grateful for them, but not content.
Now, two homes, a friend’s basement, an apartment, and a rental house later, I have grown into what homemaking means to me. And I hope I can help you find your perspective on it all as well.
Find the Things You CAN change
Put on some cozy ambient music. Fix a cup of your favorite thing to sip. And slide into some cozy socks or slippers. Now, grab a notebook and pen and slowly walk into your bedroom. We are starting here because this is YOUR space. Yours and your husbands, and I think starting here will inspire you to keep going. Give thanks to God for this space; your marriage bed, and the love that fills the space. Thank God for all that you see. And ask Him to help you make the most of it as a steward of what you see.
As you sip your drink, spend a few minutes thinking about what you WANT this space to feel like. Then, slowly look around and assess what is blocking that feeling. Is is a pile of discarded items in the far corner of the room? Is it broken blinds hanging in the window? Maybe a dresser has become a catch-all and is always covered with STUFF. Write these things down on your notebook; every little thing that hinders your contentment and the atmosphere you desire in this room.
Determine the Things You CANNOT Change
Next, look at that list and determine the things that are immediately out of your control. Paint may not be in the budget right now, and that is okay. Draw a line through the things you cannot change right at this moment. Now turn your attention to the things you can.
The chipping paint on this bedside table and our furniture currently drives me nuts. The wrong paint choice made these not able to hold up very well. That cannot be changed in this moment, but keeping them clutter free and clean helps. Maybe even laying a pretty fabric bandana or scarf over the top would provide an aesthetic temporary fix!
The Power of 15 Minutes
Since you have finished your yummy drink and have a clear idea of what you CAN do, its time to make an impact. Did you know there is a lot of power in a 15 minute timer?! This just seems to be a magic amount of minutes. It motivates you and gets a lot accomplished without making you feel overwhelmed. Set a timer on your phone. Maybe switch your ambient music to something with a faster beat. And tackle as much as you can remaining on that list.
By taking a few minutes to really look at what you can do to make a room cozier and focusing your attention only on the things you can change, you can make a big impact on that space. This inspires and motivates you to do the next thing.
A Deep Clean
The pile in the corner is gone. The surfaces are cleared. You can now turn your attention to the nooks and crannies that can easily become neglected.
A deep cleaning of a space breathes new life into it. Dingy corners become clear, dull fixtures shine fresh light, and old smells are eliminated bringing a new freshness.
Other little things you might do for big impact are touching up paint on the walls. Keep a mason jar for each paint color and a small paintbrush handy in your home for quick touch ups that a magic eraser or elbow grease can’t get.
By deep cleaning your space and giving it special attention it naturally brightens your perspective on it.
A Fresh Look
Now that you have done a quick assessment and accomplished some good ol’ sprucing up, take a look at the things you couldn’t change immediately. Maybe you have “new throw pillows” on your list. Or wanting to find some art for one wall. Let’s start here and go shop your house.
Shop my house?! What?
Yes, unless you have a budget and time to go buy the things on your list, shopping your house is the perfect place to start! Giving items you already have a new location in your home makes you seem them with fresh eyes and changes the look of things without breaking your budget. Those pillows on your boys’ bed that they just seem to shove on the floor make your bed look fresh and new against that beautiful quilt you pulled out of the closet.
Don’t forget to check closets and storage areas for things you have moved out, thinking you would be getting rid of them. They just need put to work in a new space.
Get Creative
Maybe you don’t have another set of throw pillows in the house to transfer to your bed. But there are some sweaters in the tote up in your closet that you have been meaning to take to the donation bin and keep forgetting. Perhaps a needle and thread can turn those into some stunning and unique pillows.
Even if you have never sewn anything in your life, you can learn. And this makes a great opportunity to learn a new skill that will serve you in so many other ways.
You can also look at the things on your list and ask yourself how you can creatively tackle them. Paint and fabric can do a lot!
Finding Contentment in the Home You Have is Possible
Finding contentment in your home means you can look at what you have with thankful eyes. And see how you can make them feel new with a little ingenuity. You don’t have to follow every decorating trend you see on social media, or buy every organizational container you are told will make your life easier. It really comes down to your habits and principles that make the atmosphere of your home one you find contentment in.
By stepping back and looking at a space objectively you can start to see things from a fresh perspective. Sure, the carpet or flooring cannot be changed. Perhaps you really need new windows. These are big expenses. Not being able to change that at this moment doesn’t mean you have to feel discontent in your home. So, do what you can with what you have and see what happens! Remember, gratitude carries you a long way. Part of that perspective shift is actually being thankful for what you DO have.
There is a season for everything. Don’t dwell on what you can’t change. Instead, fix your eyes on Christ, pray without ceasing, being thankful in all circumstances. This is Christ working in you. And it brings glory to God in your home.
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