Launching an in-home daycare is simple when you break it down into these 7 simple steps. As a stay-at-home mom for 10 years and owning and operating an in-home daycare for over 3 years I have a simple approach to getting you up and running in no time. Once your family has decided this is a good opportunity you are ready to get the ball rolling.
How do I start an in-home daycare?
- Review your state laws and regulations.
- Define your daycare space(s) and needed supplies.
- Determine your in-home daycare policies and procedures.
- Gather necessary items and supplies.
- Decide on your marketing strategy.
- Launch your business.
- Maintain your records.
Step 1: Review Your State’s Laws and Regulations for In-Home Daycare
When launching an in-home daycare you need to investigate what laws and regulations apply to you. Doing this in the front end will save you time and headaches – potentially money. This will also give you parameters to make decisions in. For example, in my state I can operate an in-home daycare without requiring licensing if I keep a small amount of kids. If I desired to grow any larger than I would need to make adjustments and seek licensing first.
Should anything seem unclear to you at this point, turn investigative and seek outside advise. Call a few local in-home daycares and ask if they would guide you in the process. Most in-home daycares are constantly having to turn families away. Or add them to a waitlist. They would be happy to have more places to refer them to.

Another important facet to consider is checking with your homeowner’s insurance. You want to be covered should any accidents happen.

Step 2: Define Your Daycare Spaces and Supplies
Depending on your stage of life you may need to make several purchases. Or maybe just add a few more things like food service items. When I first started my in-home daycare I was in a season of already owning plenty of toys. However, I did not have many baby items. I needed to add some infant-friendly pieces to be better prepared for the youngest of my charges.

Decide what items you NEED to have ready to serve you and these children. Also what items you WANT that can be added in as your business grows and gets established. Some of these pieces may be seasonal or just for fun. Make a list that you can check off these items as you go, or add to it.
Consider, also, what areas of your home will be used for daycare. You may have an extra family room or formal dining room that you can dedicate to the majority of you care. Or, like me, your home is smaller and you will use every square in of it.
Step 3: Determine Your In-Home Daycare Policies and Procedures
A crucial part of launching and running an in-home daycare is protecting yourself and the kids you are taking care of. From how you handle illnesses and vacations to your discipline policy, having these clearly expressed in a handbook will keep everything clear for your families and for you. Give one to each of your families and have them sign the handbook agreeing to all that is laid out.
Here is a list of topics I cover in my policies and procedures handbook:
- Hours of Operation and Availablility
- Ages of Children Care is Provided for
- Fees and Payment Policy
- Illness
- Terminating Childcare
- Vacations and Time Off
- Daily Routine or Schedule
- Philosophy of Education
- Drop-off and Pick-up
- Meals and Snacks
- Potty Training and Diapering
- Safety Protocols
- Non-family Involvement
- Inclement Weather
- Emergencies
- Outings / Car Travel
These are not exhaustive and you can add plenty more. When launching your in-home daycare, you want to be thorough, but not too wordy. This will help tremendously should any negative experiences come up. Having this handbook to point back to in a needed situation keeps you professional. And you can amend the handbook down the road if somethings seems to not be working.

Step 4: Gather Necessary Items and Supplies
This may be one of the most fun of the 7 steps to launching your in-home daycare in 2024. Now that you have determined the what, how, and where, you can start pulling things together. Take your list of supplies that you need and want, and make a plan to acquire them. Check with friends and family first. They may have things to declutter that would be perfect for your new daycare. Then, hit up garage sales or Facebook marketplace. Gently used items are a great fit for home daycares. Anything else can be purchased new if needed.

Step 5: Decide on Your Marketing Strategy
The handbook is printed. The house is ready. The backyard is all set up. You are ready to tell the world! Does that require a brand, or can I just post it on Facebook?
Think of it this way. Your success largely depends on people trusting you with their precious little children. How can you convey in the most professional and clear way that you take this seriously, and therefore take their decision seriously. I think that branding your business, even in the most basic way, says a lot. This also sets a tone for you to think business-minded. Do you need business cards and a professional headshot to do so? No. However, a professional flyer, perhaps a name, and some clear graphics will go a long way.
Unless you chose to go a licensing route, you probably have a limited amount of spots that you can provide anyway. You don’t need to take out a newspaper ad or a billboard. A professional sounding FB post, maybe a short video, and a few friends to help get your name out, will likely have you interviewing families in no time.

Step 6: Ready to Launch
The phone is ringing and pinging like crazy. The word is out and you are making a list of families and their children’s ages to keep track of the interest. So, now what?
I highly recommend you interview these families before agreeing to care for their children. Offer a time for them to come to your home and see your setup. Ask them questions about their child and the family; conversationally, not nosily. This gives you an opportunity to vocalize some of the policies in your handbook and allow the family to ask questions about them. After a short time, communicate a date that you need to know by if they are still considering you for care. You will have plenty of families waiting their turn and don’t want to keep them in the dark longer than necessary. 24 hours after meeting should be plenty of time for them.
Once you have all your families, or spots filled, be sure that each one of them has received a handbook and knows to bring it back, signed, when they first drop their child off for care. Determine a start date, either for opening your in-home daycare, or for when their child will be starting.
Congratulations! You have launched your in-home daycare!!

Step 7: Maintain Your Records
As a business you will need to keep records for your in-home daycare. Your state will have recommendations and tax laws that you need to consider through this. Things like utility bills and a portion of your home that you are using may be tax write-offs for you. Consider how you will track attendance and payment records for each of your families. Did you purchase something for your daycare? Where will you keep receipts and notes of these things? I have used a little book like this for the last two years.

I hope you found these 7 steps to launching an in-home daycare helpful and encouraging to get you started in 2024. This experience has been a huge blessing to our family and we absolutely adore the families we provide for. Its a sweet way to open open our home to others and give of the goodness we have received.
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